Date Published: 2023/11/15

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What You Need to Know about RV Maintenance

A man is wearing summer clothing, he is laying on the ground with a tool in his hand, he is fixing the tire of his trailer.

As beautiful as the autumn colours can be in Canada, the season often comes too quickly for RVers. The crispness in the air means that summer is over, and winter will be here before you know it. For many people who spend a lot of time driving their RV during the warmer months, this time of year signals that you must complete RV maintenance before storing it.

Even if you complete fall RV maintenance every year, some tasks could be jeopardizing your safety. Below are three everyday maintenance tasks that RV owners frequently perform incorrectly.

Condition of the Tires

Some assume their tires are safe until next spring because they checked the inflation levels. However, ensuring that your tires will remain inflated all winter long and keep you safe on the road next spring involves more than performing a visual inspection. Listed below are some tips that could potentially help you figure out if your tires are in good condition.

  • Get down on the ground and inspect all three surfaces of your tires, which include the inside sidewall, outside sidewall, and the tread surface. You can quickly check the tread of your tires with a Canadian nickel. Place Queen Elizabeth's head facing downward. You should not see the top of her crown. If you do, your tire is 2/32 or lower and needs replacement.
  • Look for road scars from hitting potholes or curbs, uneven wear, bulges, and scratches. Plan to replace your tires immediately if you see any of these things.
  • When checking your tires' air pressure and condition, look at their expiration date. Even if you do not spot any specific issues, you want to avoid driving on tires that have already passed their life expectancy.

When you are done inspecting your tires, log your findings in a journal or take photos with your smartphone. This step will help refresh your memory next spring when the time comes to take your RV out of storage.

A Leaky Roof

Having moisture come through your RV's roof and get everyone wet can quickly ruin a relaxing time. Unfortunately, most RVers experience a roof leak at least once due to the finish of the vehicle giving way to the pressure of the elements over the years. A leaky roof can also cause extensive damage to the electrical system, metal fixtures, and moving parts of your RV.

You may already place a cover over your RV if you haven’t planned to store it indoors through the winter. The bad news is that more is needed to prevent future roof leaks. 

It will help to take a proactive approach by hiring a professional to add a coat of sealant to your RV's roof this fall.

Another RV maintenance tip we recommend is checking the vehicle for water damage when you get home from each trip. A common indication that water damage has occurred includes stains on countertops, seams, or seals. You also want to check any openings in the RV, such as a vent in the kitchen or bathroom. Repairing the damage immediately is essential to avoid worsening water damage.

Resealing Windows and Tightening Seals

Just as you seal your windows at home to improve comfort and energy efficiency, you need to do the same for your RV. Some people skip this step entirely, which increases the likelihood of a crack getting larger and suffering from water damage. Windows need sealing to keep in the air conditioning or heat.

If you notice a seal leaking, you may already have water damage that requires repair. If you see that the old sealant has hardened, remove as much of it as possible before adding fresh sealant. The rusted sealant has little holding power, and adding new sealant will not provide the moisture protection your RV needs. Ensure you notice all seals when completing your visual inspection.

Give Your RV Insurance a Checkup Too

With RV maintenance already on your mind, autumn is an ideal time to see if your current insurance policy still meets your needs. We invite you to contact Orbit Insurance Services at 844-929-4768 to determine if you need additional coverage.


3 RV Maintenance Tasks You Might Be Doing Wrong (

A Comprehensive Guide to Common RV Maintenance Problems | RVshare

How to check your tire tread depth | Canadian Tire